Category: Performance management

How to implement OKRs in an early stage of a company

How to implement OKRs in an early stage of a company

OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) are a popular framework used by businesses to set goals and track progress. They help align teams towards common goals, increase transparency and accountability, and facilitate better decision-making. While they are commonly used by larger organizations, they can also be incredibly beneficial for early-stage companies or startups.

Improve decisions with ponderated measurement

Improve decisions with ponderated measurement

Having the responsibility to take the decision in the evaluation of more than one option could be simplified by doing it with standardized criteria to obtain an objective result to have the possibility to compare the different options between them.

You can improve your decisions through ponderated measurement, using a template to define the aspects to be evaluated, the ponderation for every aspect, and then evaluate all the options with the same criteria.

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The importance of team synergy to produce outcomes

The importance of team synergy to produce outcomes

As companies strive to reach their goals, teamwork becomes increasingly essential to the success of these challenges. The success of a team is not just about individual talent or skills, but also about the collective effort and synergy that is created by the members of the team, mostly when the number of members of a team is big.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira