Category: Project management

How to improve retrospective sessions effectiveness?

How to improve retrospective sessions effectiveness?

Retrospective sessions are an essential part of the agile operations environment but are also useful in a general way to have reflection points to keep improving. They are a meeting where the team discusses what went well and what didn’t during a previous iteration of time (could be a week, a month, a quarter, or any other or all of them), in order to identify areas for improvement and make changes going forward. Retrospectives are a valuable tool for maintaining a cycle of continuous improvement within a team and can lead to maintaining good team health and performance

Create action plans based on goals understanding

Create action plans based on goals understanding

Goals are essential in our personal and professional lives. They give us a sense of purpose and direction and help us achieve our desired outcomes. However, setting goals alone is not enough – we need to create action plans that will help us reach those goals. But how to create action plans based on goal understanding, having a clear enough what is the most appropriate approach to achieve them.

The importance of team synergy to produce outcomes

The importance of team synergy to produce outcomes

As companies strive to reach their goals, teamwork becomes increasingly essential to the success of these challenges. The success of a team is not just about individual talent or skills, but also about the collective effort and synergy that is created by the members of the team, mostly when the number of members of a team is big.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira